Tag Archive | craft

Dairy Farm Tour Fun!

Yay! Today I’m excited to share a photo of the latest project I have completed that we will be debuting during our Spring Dairy Tours this year! Our first dairy tour this spring will be a group of approximately 225 people from a local school that is coming out later this month. We’ve been preparing for all the fun for several months already.

I enjoyed painting this wooden hopscotch set for the kids to play on during Spring Dairy Tours and Country Pumpkins this fall. It was a little more basic and not quite as detailed as the last painting projects that I did! Each rectangle measures 16 x 24 inches (except for the arch piece at the end), and was primed and then painted with two coats of exterior paint. We are looking forward to this being a colorful and fun addition to our agritourism business for years to come! Hopefully in a few weeks, I’ll be able share photos of the kids playing on it. 🙂

A BIG Painting Project ~ Sneak Peek!

Painting sneak peek!

One very fun job that I have at Alpine Hills Dairy Farm is doing the marketing for our Dairy Tours and Country Pumpkins Fall Festival. We are really excited about some improvements that we will be making for this fall – last week I began work on one of them!

After buying all the supplies and paint I would need, I started a large painting project last Thursday! So far, it’s kept me extremely busy and has been quite a learning experience. First of all, I wasn’t even sure it would turn out (I’ve never done a painting this large before)…..there were a couple discouraging days until I could see it starting to come together. Can’t wait to debut this project along with many more to come this fall!

Yesterday I was able to mostly finish my first painting while watching my 3-year-old nephew, Caleb, at the same time. Ha! THAT was fun! How do you keep a little boy out of multiple open cans of brightly colored exterior paint? I’m proud to say, somehow I managed it! I just hope his mommy doesn’t mind that I taught him to open paint cans……. 🙂

Button Tree

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Saturday, between calf feedings, I finally completed a project that I had been wanting to make for a long time! Of course, I got my inspiration from Pinterest. 🙂

I bought the canvas 1/2 off back at Christmas time, but just now got around to painting my button tree.

It’ really a very simple project, yet I think it will be beautiful hanging up in my home. (Pics of the final product to come once I get it hung up!)

I used a 12×12 canvas, acrylic craft paints, and some shell buttons. First I painted the entire canvas my base color (it can be whatever you want), then I painted my tree. After I got the tree painted, I decided I wanted a little texture in the background so I painted in some scrollwork all around the tree in a shade just a tad lighter than the background – I wanted it to be very subtle. My final step will be to glue on the buttons! Pretty easy and super cute. I love the way those buttons catch the light.