
I was blessed to grow up in Milford, OH with a loving mom and dad and two sisters. My amazing (and thankfully more stubborn than I am) mother homeschooled my sisters and me all the way through high school. What a great experience that was and I am tremendously thankful for it! My mom and dad both were raised on farms and my parents always raised a garden on our half-acre subdivision lot and mom canned every summer. Looking back now, I’m thankful for all the things that they taught me especially since my husband and I have ended up working on a dairy farm! Funny thing is, anyone who knew me growing up thinks that ME + DAIRY FARM  is a pretty hysterical combination. I was a girly girl (still am!).  At the end of summer several years ago while I was working as a bookkeeper at an accounting firm, I realized that I hadn’t even stepped foot in the grass of  our backyard ALL YEAR! Yeah, that was me……then. Now I spend about 4 hours a day outside helping my hubby at the dairy barn. What a change a few years can make! So here’s how it all happened…….

On January 1, 2009 I received a Facebook friend request from a guy named Matt. I didn’t recognize him but figured I must know him from somewhere since he sent me a friend request. That prompted me to visit his profile to figure out if I knew him. After confirming that no, I didn’t know him from Adam, I became rather impressed with that handsome face of his! After a 5 day internal debate with myself I finally accepted his friend request – against my better judgement! ha! Turned out that this was all part of God’s plan. I received a message from my future hubby within a couple of hours and we went out on our first date a few weeks later. Fast forward to May 8th and we were engaged and set a wedding day of October 3rd! Wow. What a crazy, amazing, wonderful year that was! You never know the blessings a year can bring!

At the time we got married Matt was working in sales and I had a great job as a bookkeeper at an accounting firm. They say that farming gets in your blood and it didn’t take me long to realize that farming was definitely in my husband’s blood! He grew up working alongside his parents on their dairy farm in Dry Ridge, KY. After 8 or 9 years working in the city he realized he missed the farm life and seeing the direct results of his labor. I must admit I was pretty TERRIFIED when Matt suggested to me that we quit our city jobs and go work on his parent’s dairy farm, Alpine Hills Dairy Farm. I’m a woman – FEAR of the unknown is a big issue with me! lol. Within a few weeks of making the decision we BOTH quit our jobs and began working at the farm. There were many, many adjustments at first but now we can’t imagine doing anything else. I am so thankful that I get to work alongside my husband everyday, that I can see him at anytime of the day I want, I don’t have to spend my day apart from him, and that we get to eat all three meals a day together! Obviously the overriding benefit for me is being with him! 🙂 This experience has truly brought us closer than we ever could have gotten otherwise and caused our love and our friendship to grow.

I hope you enjoy my stories of my life on the farm, cooking, baking, and learning new things everyday.



2 thoughts on “About

  1. Shelley, as a fairly new blogger on WP, I welcome you. As a KS farmer’s wife, I wecome you! Love your posts and will look forward to reading about your adventures in dairy farming!

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